
音标/读音 ['pɒlitik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 精明的, 明智的, 策略的

a. marked by artful prudence, expedience, and shrewdness
s. smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication



You have to be polite. I'm always polite.

你一定要礼貌 我一直很礼貌

She's so political, she doesn't even seem political.

她的*水平很高 却又不像*家

It's politics. It's a political point of view.

这个事关* 是与政见相关的信息

So we have a political kidnapping that doesn't look political.

所以这*绑架 又不那么*化了

Politically. I * politically in her fat ass.

* *翻那个*!

You don't want to be in politics, you want to be beyond politics.

你不想投身* 你想要超越*

He was polite, but only because he had to be.

他很礼貌 但那只是因为他必须这么做

I think I prefer gang politics to police politics.


Very polite, stick to the issues, no dirty politics, but, you know, I realized something.

彬彬有礼 坚持议题 不搞乌烟瘴气的*游戏 但我意识到了一些事

This is where the political system of, that the Illuminati is trying to enact its political reforms are fully fleshedout.

*体系也就在于此 光照会在试图进行的 *改革已经完全丰满