
音标/读音 [brʊ'sketə]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 意大利烤面包片



But I knew you were here because of the picture you posted of your bruschetta.

我看到你上传的蒜香面包照片 才猜到你在这儿

You have a good extravirgin olive oil and you're ready for a good bruschetta.

最后得到一桶特级初榨橄榄油 然后 就能准备烤面包了

A good bruschetta is simple: bread toasted over the coals...., garlic, tomatoes, salt and oil.

意式烤面包很简单 把面包片放在碳火上烤 加上蒜 西红柿 盐和油

Now you're settling down, doing this normie lifeplan bullshit, and you're gonna get married, and have babies, and host dinner parties where you serve things like crostini and bruschetta.

现在你安定下来了 做着平凡的人生规划 然后你会结婚 生小孩 办晚宴 给大家上蔻斯提尼和蒜蓉面包