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◎ 单词释义

a. 溶血作用
[医] 溶血的

a. relating to or involving or causing hemolysis



A 16yearold does not get hemolytic anemia.

16岁的孩子 不可能得溶血性贫血

It explains the internal bleeding, the hemolytic anemia, the liver failure.

它能解释内出血 溶血性贫血和肝衰竭的原因

And a 16yearold kid shouldn't have hemolytic anemia or be bleeding out of every orifice, but he is.

16岁的孩子不应患有溶血性贫血 或者七窍* 但他有

I found traces of an antibiotic, sulfa, which caused the blood problem that you flagged, hemolytic anemia.

我发现了抗生素的痕迹 磺胺类药剂 这导致了你们所关心的血液问题 溶血性贫血

It's a hemolytic venom, uh, affects the blood and the organs, 200,000 minus points.

是溶血性毒液 影响血液和器官 20万不利因子