
音标/读音 ['blәutid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 发胀的, 浮肿的, 傲慢的

v become bloated or swollen or puff up
v make bloated or swollen



And when it was so bloated, she might burst open.

她的肚子灌满水 简直要炸开了

All right, listen up. I am bloated. I'm cramping.

给我听着 我胀气 我抽筋

And, um, thank you for the bloat info.


Your mom says that makes you bloated.


I was bloated and overconfident, and I got *ashed.

我洋洋自得过于自负 最后惨败

I feel so bloated. It doesn't go away.

我觉得肚子很胀 都没消过

They left his body to bloat in the desert.


So, you're feeling bloated, nauseous and flatulent.

你觉得自己便秘 恶心和胀气

But today the state is more bloated and invasive than it's ever been.

但现在 政府比以往更加膨胀并更有侵略性

You've all fallen prey to some bloated, sophomoric idea.

你们被那自命不凡 肤浅的想法*了