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◎ 单词释义

n. 结尾警语;妙语如珠



If a punchline lands, you tag it up.

如果段子好笑 你就接着说

And now it's close to becoming a punchline.


I assume was abused by a punchline when he was a kid.


My setup lacks awareness, but my punchline doesn't know.

我的设定是没自知自明 但我的笑点是啥不知道

Or those awful jokes he would tell and then he would laugh at his own punchlines.

还有他那些冷笑话 那些只有他自己会笑的笑点

This isthis is, uh this is a joke with a bad punchline.

这是个笑话 而且还不好笑

Come tomorrow, they will be a punchline, just like you.


I'm just having a little bit of trouble finding the punchline in here.

我就是听不懂你这话 哪里好笑呢

It'd sure be nice to hear the punchline someday.


I have a placeholder so set up it, makes *ogies look like punchlines.

我的设定是太过自命不凡 导致一旦效仿就变得很像笑点