
音标/读音 [,ænәfi'læktik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 过敏性, 过敏反应
[医] 过敏性的

a. related to the hypersensitivity known as anaphylaxis



If we're not careful, she could go into anaphylactic shock.

如果我们不小心 她可能会进入过敏性休克

You couldyou could go into anaphylactic shock.

你可能 你可能会过敏性休克

No idea what triggered the anaphylactic shock this time.


He's in anaphylactic shock from the parasites pouring into his abdomen.

他由于腹部进入大量寄生虫 导致了过敏性休克

I look like I've had a chiffonbased anaphylactic shock.


Yeah, but giving your customers anaphylactic shock is the key to bankruptcy.

是 但如果把你的顾客弄得过敏性休克 你可就该破产了

My daughter died of anaphylactic shock at seven months old.


I had a great time tonight, up until the anaphylactic reaction and the wrecked car.

我今晚很开心 除开过敏和撞坏的车

Get her out of that suit or she's gonna go anaphylactic before you can get her to the restaurant.

让她把防护服脱了 不然她还没到饭店 就会出现过敏性休克的

Two cases of anaphylactic shock in the same day in the same town is highly improbable.

已经两起受惊而死的了 同一天同一个镇 这不太可能