
音标/读音 [.inflә'meiʃәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 怒火, 发火, 燃烧, 发炎
[医] 炎[症]

n. a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat
n. arousal to violent emotion



Decreased bonedensity could have caused the inflammation.


Causing inflammation and all the rest of his symptoms.


If it's inflammation, the steroids would've shrunk it down.

如果是炎症 类固醇早就治好了

Prednisone. It's a steroid to help with the inflammation.

强的松 类固醇类药物可以消除炎症反应

Here, I added extra turmeric for inflammation.

给 我加了点姜黄可以消炎

Inflammation of the inner ear, very minor.

是你的内耳发炎 非常轻微

That inflammation ‭in the back of your throat, that's what concerns me.

你舌头后面表现出的炎症 让我觉得非常担心

I'd say let's burn it, but it looks completely inflammable.

要我说就给它烧了 但它看上去完全就是防火的

It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down.

这是可的松针剂 可以消炎

You've had it so long, the muscles have withered and caused inflammation.

脱臼时间太久了 肌肉已萎缩 引起了炎症