
音标/读音 ['nɒvis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 新手, 初学者

n. someone new to a field or activity



When I was a novice... I'm not a novice.

我还是个新手的时候 我不是新手

You sent yourself there, because you're a novice.

你把你们送过去的 因为你还不熟练

And there, with my fellow novices, we did just that.

在那里 和见习修女们一起 我们就是这么做的

She is no novice, I can assure you of that.

她绝不是没经验 这点我可以保证

Now I realize I have a couple of novices here.


These paintings are clearly the work of a novice.


That's why sometimes a novice's gift has to be cleansed.

所以有时候 新人的天赋必须被清理掉

Novice or not, I could kill you right now.

不管我熟不熟练 我现在都能杀了你

A novice trying to interpret the work of a master.


For she will be given rank and serve as a novice.

因为她将被赐予级别 担任新信徒