
音标/读音 ['kukә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 炊事用具, 炉灶, 锅, 炊具, 烹饪用水果, 窜改者, 伪造者
[化] 蒸锅

n. a utensil for cooking



This cooker was across the street as their stainlesssteel table has been rebuilt around it, but it's still the same cooker.

这个炉灶在旧址时就已经在用了 不锈钢桌重新打造过 但炉灶并没有变

It was a pressure cooker. I have photos.

引爆物是一个压力锅 我有照片

By noon hour, should be upstairs in the cooker.


You know, this is a pressure cooker environment.


I told you, I got it off a gas cooker.

我跟你说了 是煤气灶弄的

Josh has this cooker, and I told him I would go by.

乔希有些厨具 我说过我会去他那里

I mean, I'm used to dealers and cookers and bangers.

我习惯跟贩毒者 制毒者和打手打交道

It's a slow cooker recipe, so it has to stew in its juices for a while.

这个做法很耗时 所以得在汤里多炖一会儿

If you've come about the slow cooker, it went this morning.

如果你是来买慢炖锅的 今早卖出去了

Well, I'm gonna use this tripod as a cooker and a *oker.

我想用这个三脚架 来当做饭和生火的工具