
音标/读音 [in'tiәriә,raiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使看法深入内心

v incorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal



The only thing better than realizing my interior design vision will be realizing our interior design vision.

唯一能胜过 我的室内设计预想的 是我们的室内设计预想

And not just their exteriors, but their interiors, too.

不仅是建筑的外表 还有内部装潢

Have to rip the interior out to fit it all in.


Hannah, you'll have him for the duration of the interior.

汉娜 他人在大使馆里的时候都归你管

She's an interior decorator, not a wizard.

她是个室内设计师 不是个巫婆

It's too hot for them in the desert interior.


Our people have been over every inch of the interior.


That's a lot of security for an interior door.

屋子里的门还要上锁 有点过啊

Interior appears to be clean, but check this out.

汽车内室似乎被清理过了 不过你们看这个

I'm about to disprove that myth all over your leather interior.

待会尿在你车里 你就等着被打脸吧