n. 厕所;坐桶;[美国英语]马
n a person who defecates
1. And I did my research, your career is in the shitter.
我就查了下 你的工作快不保了
2. Shouldn't be too hard, even with your team in the shitter.
不会很难 即使你的团队是现在这幅鬼样子
3. Don't use the shitter. I clogged it this morning.
别用马桶 今早被我堵塞了
4. Our country now's officially in the shitter.
5. Except the shitter. I never do business on the can.
除了厕所 我从不在马桶上谈生意
6. What ya got yourselves here is an oldfashioned pants shitter.
你们是坐着过时的裤子马桶 过来的吗
7. You called him a pants shitter on the trading floor.
8. You should've told me you're an even shitter pilot.
9. I know all about protocol, and there's a time to dump it in the shitter.
规定这种事我最清楚不过了 有时候规矩就是用来丢弃的
10. you were number one in the world at hauling me off the shitter.
你是这世上第一个 把我从那破椅子里拉出来的人