
音标/读音 [æθ'letik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 运动的

a. relating to or befitting athletics or athletes
s. having a sturdy and well proportioned body



Remember, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.

记住 如果你无法成为运动员 那就多多支持运动员

You're a pro athlete with a pro athlete's body.

你是一位职业运动员 有着职业运动员的体型

Famous athletes tell kids to wear athletic sleeves to look cool.

知名运动员告诉孩子们 戴运动护袖是为了耍酷

Male athletic programs not only protect athletes who commit sexual assault, they foster a culture of violence and aggression that creates rapists every day.

男子运动项目不仅保护 实施性侵犯的运动员 还培养了充满暴力和侵略性 每天都在创造*犯的文化

and I'm saying that because I'm not athletic.


We're looking for an athlete. I couldn't do that.

这肯定是一个运动员 我可做不到

Being an athlete isn't all about winning.

作为一名运动员 并不完全是为了获胜

Athletes should not be described as adorable.


I hope you don't mind I'm not as athletic as you.


Look, I'm no athlete, but neither are you.

听着 我不是运动员 你也不是