
音标/读音 ['ʌn'spesifaid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 未特别指出的, 未特别提到的

a. not stated explicitly or in detail



And I can't keep logging overtime on an unspecified case.

我不能一直为了某个 不明案子登记加班

They gave him $200,000 for an unspecified research project.

他们给了他二十万 用于一项没有明说的研究课题

It's like this unspecified malaise that just sucks you in like gravity.

而是一种像引力一样把你吸入 难以言状的不适感

When you were 14, you missed almost a year of school due to an unspecified illness.

你十四岁的时候 因为某种不确定的疾病 而停学了将近一年

It was my home, but I left for unspecified reasons, the origins of which I choose not to get into right now.

曾经是 但后来我因为不明原因离开了 我选择放弃了这种出身

So word has come down from on high that, for an unspecified number of missions, we are to serve another master.

接到高层命令 有几个数目不定的任务 我们要听别人的

They used the building of these bunkers as a means of really drawing the country together against an unspecified foreign enemy.

他们利用这些碉堡 将国家团结起来 抵御不明确的外敌

Chastain billed him for an outofnetwork anesthesiologist and then added on over 100,000 in unspecified charges that his insurance can't pay.

查斯汀向他收取了保险不包的麻醉师费用 随后又向他收取了超过十万美元的不明费用 他的保险无法支付