
音标/读音 [du:m]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 厄运, 不幸, 法律, 宣告, 判决, 死亡
vt. 命中注定, 判决

n. an unpleasant or disastrous destiny
v. make certain of the failure or destruction of



But this fleet is doomed, and if my friend comes back to it, she's doomed, too.

但这支舰队在劫难逃 要是我朋友回到这儿 她也死定了

The mission is doomed, and so are we.

这任务完了 我们也完了

We have to stop it or we're all doomed.

我们必须阻止她 否则我们都完蛋了

You are as naive, as you are doomed.

你們太天真了 必死無疑

I'm sorry, but, well, he doomed himself.

我不想这么说 但是 他自找的

I should be here thinking all love is doomed.


Dave, if we can't kill him, you're doomed.

戴夫 如果我们不能杀死他 你就完了

Some loophole to save you from your doom.


That marriage was doomed from the start.


Or perhaps we are all doomed by my mistakes.
