
音标/读音 ['vә:mәθ, 'vә:mu:θ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 苦艾酒, 味美思

n. any of several white wines flavored with aromatic herbs; used as aperitifs or in mixed drinks



Oh, my god, vermouth. I forgot the vermouth. I got to go.

天呐 苦艾酒 我忘了买苦艾酒 我得再去

I'll have a double martini and hold the vermouth.

我要一杯双份马丁尼 别放苦艾酒哦

And that vermouth shtick is as old as the hills.


She knows your name and where we keep the vermouth.

她知道你的名字 我们把苦艾酒放在哪里

Come up real close to it and whisper vermouth.

现在贴近杯子 悄声说 味美思酒

Or at least a glass filled with vodka and vermouth.


Swish the glass with the vermouth, tip it out, then add the gin.

快速晃动苦艾酒瓶 倒出一点 再加入杜松子酒

I can't run a bar with just vermouth and this melon crap.


I could have bought out the entire store for what I spent last month on vermouth.

我上月买苦艾酒的钱 都够买下整家店了

Cults and conspiracies go together kind of like vodka and vermouth.

邪教配阴谋 就像伏特加配苦艾酒