
音标/读音 ['kɒnsept]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 观念, 概念
[医] 概念

n. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances



I have a concept of you, just as you have a concept of me.

我对你有一个概念 你也是如此

I would like to defend the narrative conception of the person as against the voluntarist conception.

我倾向于支持 叙事式自我的观点 而非唯意志论的观点

Okay, you are clearly as confused about the concept of nursing as you are about the concept of sex.

显然你对*这个概念的认知 就如同你对*这个概念一样混乱

So much so that much modern political theory takes that worry about disagreement over the good as its starting point, and concludes that justice and rights and constitutions should not be based on any particular conception of the good or the purposes of political life, but should, instead, provide a framework of rights that leaves people free to choose their conceptions of the good, their own conceptions of the purposes of life.

以至于很多现代*理论 把对美德看法的分歧作为出发点 称任何一种 *生活目的和美德的定义 都不能作为公正 权利和宪法的基础 而是应该提供一个权利体系 允许人们自由选择何为美德 他们又想要什么样的生活

For me, it's a weird concept, as weird a concept as it would be to any person who's hearing about it for the first time.

对我来说 这是一个很奇怪的理论 就好像 对于任何第一次听说 这一理论的人一样

I've got a bakery concept that I wanna launch, and I'm learning how some of the big bakery concepts launch.

我想开个面包店 我在学习那些 大面包店是怎么经营的

Negative energy is just a concept, but a concept that may emerge for real when we can explain dark energy.

负能量只是一个概念 但是一旦我们能够解释暗能量时 这个概念可能就会成为现实

What he taught me is that once you can grasp those physical concepts as concepts of astrophysics, they offer you this great launching pad for story possibilities to do with relativity and all these things.

他教会了我 当你把理论物理学概念 当作天体物理学概念来掌握时 它们会为你提供 许多关于相对论 以及其他科学理论的故事灵感

The former themes of restoring man to his natural state of liberty by curbing one's needs was intertwined with the concept that one must view the world from a broader perspective, that man only considers right from wrong, good and evil, from their own personal perspectives, and that to understand these concepts more fully, one must assume an external point of view to see the true cause and effect of actions, and that from this perspective, what is good might actually be bad, and what is wrong might actually be right.

之前关于通过克己 重获自由的主题夹杂进了 一个人必须由更宽阔的视角 看待这世界这一观点 人们只从自身的校对 分辨对错与善恶 为了更全面地理解这些观念 一个人必须从外部 思考行为的真正起因与结果 而从这一视角 去考虑 好的其实可能为坏 错的其实可能为对

The concept of the self, or who we are.

自我的概念 或者我们是谁