
音标/读音 ['kæmәrәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 卡梅伦/隆(男子名)



Cameron, it is not too late to be better.

卡梅伦 亡羊补牢 为时未晚

Cameron, thank you so much for lunch.

卡梅伦 多谢你招待午餐

Cameron, you didn't come here just for the bike.

卡梅伦 你不是专程为了车来的

Cameron said she didn't seem like herself.

卡梅伦说 她看上去不像她自己

Cameron's probably the only female who could tolerate you.


Cameron tells me that you're quite the gymnast.


Cameron, check the far side of the field.

卡梅隆 检查这区域远侧

Cameron killed those soldiers after we took that cash.

我们抢了现金之后 卡梅伦杀了那些士兵

Cameron couldn't be here today, but her genius is all around us.

卡梅伦今天不能到场 但她的天才却无处不在

Cameron wants to come clean, he kills him.

卡梅隆想坦白一切 他就把他杀了