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◎ 单词释义

n. 劳埃德(英国劳埃德船级协会)(英国劳埃德集团, 全球知名金融机构);劳合社(英国保险公司)

n United States comic actor in silent films; he used physical danger as a source of comedy (1893-1971)



Lloyd, it's kind of you to lend them your underwear.

劳埃德 你把内衣借给他们真是太好了

Lloyd, please, I am not here to litigate his case.

劳埃德 我不是来给他打官司

Lloyd, I got something important to tell you.

罗伊 我有重要的事要告诉你

Lloyd, we blew our money on the graduation robes.

罗伊 我们买毕业服把钱花光了

Lloyd may not be home for several hours.


Lloyd bought those computers for their processing power.


Lloyd's greatest shot was the one he didn't fire.


Lloyd, he thought he was going to a football match.

劳埃德 他以为他要去看足球赛

Lloyd, I imagine you've got one, and that's how you eat.

劳埃德 如果你也戴那个 就会这么吃东西

Lloyd, he's enjoying the Irish fire water.

劳埃德 他喜欢爱尔兰的威士忌