
音标/读音 ['dʒentri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 贵族们

n. the most powerful members of a society



Aye, she'll have it fancy enough for the gentry.

不錯 她一定會被你的紳士氣質吸引的

There is more to private service than consorting with the landed gentry.

比起服侍乡绅 这份活更注重于私人服务

Must have been jolly though, cavorting with the gentry.

不过一定很欢乐吧 跟上流社会的人寻欢作乐

One does feel that the gentry and the vulgars should keep to themselves.

贵族和下等人 的确应该少交际

The landed gentry of the south prepare to meet.


Let's say there's a tornado, and you're with a baron and a gentleman of the gentry.

假设出现了龙卷风 你正和一个男爵及一个上层阶级的绅士在一起

Uh, yes, the gentry made millions off the oligarchs.


It was against the gentry, who run everything here, and they keep all of the land and the money for themselves.

是反抗贵族的叛乱 他们在此掌控着一切 并且把所有土地和财富据为己有

He's challenging the gentry to duels as though they have any chance of a fair fight.

他向贵族们发起决斗的挑战 就跟他们有公平竞争的机会似的

Not only a member of the landed gentry, but also a woman with such manifold talents.

她不仅高居上流社会 而且是个多才多艺的女人