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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 卡拉(女性人名)



Cara was sitting in that tub for months.


Cara, they deserve to know who I really am.

卡拉 他们有权知道我的真面目

Cara, we have to be open to the possibility that the experiment worked.

卡拉 我们必须得接受 实验成功的可能性

Cara gave me this look this morning when I came in.


Cara found me, we, uh, had this connection, like, psychically.

卡拉找到了我 我们... 有种联系 精神上的联系

Cara, he brought me here because he knew the water would interfere with my telepathy.

卡拉 他把我带到这里 是因为他知道水声会干扰我的心灵感应

Cara's got quite a liquor cabinet good for a 10hour siege.

卡拉的酒柜收藏可真不赖 就算被围攻十个小时也够我喝的

And I must do my cara sposo the justice to say that he need not be at all ashamed of his friend.

我要为我亲爱的丈夫说句公道话 他完全不必为他的朋友害臊

Yo te saco de aquí y te rompo la *ing cara.

赶紧滚 不然我打烂你的脸

Cara, if you can hear me, no pressure, but I've got a gun wielding paranormal leading me on a wild goose chase.

卡拉 如果你能听到我的话 不要紧张 但是这里有个拿枪的超能力者 带着我去打野鸭