
音标/读音 ['wɔlәpiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 大的, 极大的, 极好的
adv. 极其, 非常地

n a sound defeat
v hit hard
v defeat soundly and utterly
s (used informally) very large



Um, I'd be honored to be walloped by any of it.


Both those numbers walloping the efforts of the Italians.


Not as big of a wallop as my original rod.


I never assaulted him. I just walloped him, that's all.

我没袭击他 我就是教训了他一下

I'm just standing up to give this dough a bit of a wallop.

我就是站起来和面 这样使得上力

Well, then, somebody has a wallop of a backlash coming fatal.

有些人的强烈冲击力可是 致命的

I may have walloped him over the head with a chair or something, and I think he's unconscious.

我可能拿着椅子或者什么东西 狠狠地砸了他的头 我想他现在昏迷了

Humans have walloped the living shit out of our kids since cavemantimes.

从穴居人时代开始 人类就有习惯 胖揍自己孩子

I remember such a feeling and how it walloped me years ago when this girl walked into my bookstore.

我记得这种情感 记得多年前有个女孩 走进我的书店时 它如何冲击到了我

That I had no brother and when I told him I did he walloped me across the room, told me to go home and keep my gob shut.

他说我没有兄弟 我跟他说我有 他把我打翻在地 让我回家 不要跟别人说