
音标/读音 [plɒp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 扑通声, 掉下
adv. 扑通一声地
vt. 把...沉重地放下
vi. 扑通落下

n. the noise of a rounded object dropping into a liquid without a splash
v. drop something with a plopping sound
v. drop with the sound of something falling into water



My school dinners involved three big aluminium trays, meat, mashed potatoes, veg and it would be plop, plop, ice cream scoop of mash.

我在学校吃的食物装在三个大铝盘子里 分别盛肉 土豆泥和蔬菜 然后扑通 扑通 再来一冰淇淋勺土豆泥

just plopped down on his diapered butt and laughed.

一*坐在地上 大笑了起来

...plop down and read whatever I could get my hands on.

然后就坐下来读书 读我能拿到的所有书

So, what you do is you, uh, you hit this lever and some cereal plops down.

你只要按下这个杠杆 就会扑通落下一些麦片

I think it has to be more of a fast spit than a slow plop.

好像得是那种快速冲出来的 不是慢慢滴下来的

It's wrapped up in a nice, soft package, and plop.

被软绵绵的漂亮东西包裹着 扑通一声

Just plop her in the pen with the rest of the storephans.

把她放进围栏 跟其他商店孤儿待在一起吧

Okay, these palookas couldn't plop their way out of a circle wank.


Just plop him down in front of the wiggles, he's good for hours.

只要让他看<快乐的律动> 他就能安静好几个小时

She just got yanked out of her family, plopped down with a bunch of strangers.

她刚刚离开自己的家人 突然来到一大群陌生人中间