
音标/读音 ['ðєәbai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 因此

r. by that means or because of that



It is thereby logical that I would replace him.


He siphons electricity, thereby removing your power.

他吸收电能 从而带走了你的能力

They keep saying it's optional, thereby voluntary.

他们不断强调这是可选计划 是自愿的

You lied on your affidavit, thereby committing fraud.

你在宣誓书中撒了谎 因此你犯了欺诈罪

Thereby proving it's not a sentient being, it's a higherorder vegetable.

因此这证明了鸡不是有感官的生物 它是一种高阶的蔬菜

Thereby implying I'm incapable of making my own judgments.


And thereby need a good *in' murdering.


Thereby hitting for the sex, nap, death cycle.

因此陷入了* 休息 死亡的循环

And then you immediately kill it, thereby releasing those energies up into the universe.

然后你立刻杀了它 从而把这些能量释放到宇宙中

I thereby move to sever their cases to avoid any prejudice against my client.

因此我请求您将他们的案件分开处理 避免对我当事人的偏见