
音标/读音 ['bәumәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 博蒙特(姓氏);博蒙特镇

n. United States surgeon remembered for his studies of digestion (1785-1853)
n. English dramatist who collaborated with John Fletcher (1584-1616)
n. a city of southeastern Texas near Houston



Beaumont I am not here in that capacity.

博蒙特 我们不是想多管闲事

Beaumont employed this method to reach her.


Beaumont, I don't care if this is right time or not.

博蒙特 我不关心现在是不是正确的时候

Beaumont's marks can't be seen, but they run as deep as yours.

博蒙特的标记看不见了 但这些印记却和你的一样深入骨髓

Beaumont, you've never been cool about looking out for anyone you love.

博蒙特 你在给你爱的人找男朋友的时候 可是对别人一点都不好