
音标/读音 ['pәuzә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 装腔作势者, 难题

n. a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem



You see, at first, I thought you were just some dumb poser, but then I realized your dumb poser crap can help get me my air jordans.

起初 我以為你只是愚蠢的裝腔作勢的人 但我意識到你那些裝腔作勢的廢話 可以幫我買到喬丹鞋

So, we're both posers, and so are all our friends.

我們都裝腔作勢 我們的朋友也都是

You're a *ing poser, and so are you.

你太会装腔作势了 你也是

But I did tell them that you were one, poser.

不過我告訴他們你是的 裝腔作勢

Look, maybe you are a poser, but so am I.

也許你裝腔作勢 但我也一樣

In fact, you are worse than a poser.

事實上 你比裝腔作勢更差勁

Come on, we don't need those posers.

得了吧 我们不需要那些家伙

The drunks are all passed out, posers are gone.

酒鬼都昏睡过去了 装逼的都走了

These are posers from every corner of the globe.


Call me "poser" all you want. I don't care anymore.

隨便你叫我"裝腔作勢" 我不在乎了