
音标/读音 ['tʃikinʃit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 琐碎的细节, 不重要的工作
a. 渺小的

n. a false statement that is considered to indicate timidity or fear



But you won't, because you're a chickenshit.

但你不肯 因为你是怂包

'cause you're too chickenshit to do it yourself.


Come on, you chickenshit. It's just a movie.

来嘛 胆小鬼 不就是一部电影吗

It's perfect for a chickenshit punk like you.


You're just making this up because you're a little bit chickenshit.

你这都是胡编乱造 因为你怂了

I was gonna ask you the other day and then I was, like, too chickenshit.

本来我那天就打算问你 但我太胆怯了

Kiss my ass, you chickenshit son of a bitch.

去*的 你个垃圾*

But at the end of the day, too chickenshit to pull the trigger.

但是到头来 却胆小怕事 不敢做决定

'cause you're a chickenshit who ain't used to doing his dirty work.

因为你是个怂货 从没干过这种事

You went after my money, so if you're giving me a client, there's some other misunderstanding that you're too chickenshit to tell me about.

你以前是抢我的钱 所以假如你主动给我客户 那就说明还有其他的误会 但是你太懦弱而不敢告诉我