
音标/读音 [ig.zædʒә'reiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 夸张, 夸大的事物, 夸大之词

n. the act of making something more noticeable than usual
n. making to seem more important than it really is



And here I thought you'd been exaggerated.


Yes, and for once you haven't exaggerated.

是的 这次你还真没夸口

She is exaggerating. I barely touched her.

她夸大事实了 我都没怎么碰到她

My hatred for you has been greatly exaggerated.


Not literally. I was exaggerating for effect.

也不是所有 我刚刚是故意夸张

It's no exaggeration to suggest that what we have here is a revolutionary.

可以毫不夸张的说 我们面前的 是个革命者

Well, they should know it's all exaggerated.


As I say that, I realize I'm exaggerating, but it could have.

我一说出来 就意识到自己又夸张了 但那的确是可能的

That's an exaggeration, if you don't mind me saying so.

要我说的话 这种说法实在太夸大其词了

He's exaggerating worse than my parents.

他太夸张了 比我父母还过分