
音标/读音 ['kænvәsә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 游说者, 检票员, 兜揽生意的人
[经] 推销员, 兜揽生意的人保险经纪人

n. a person who takes or counts votes



You should know I've canvassed my party.

你要知道 我说服了我的党派

So we canvassed all the local hotels.


Swing by when you're done and you can canvass this.

干完了就过来 你可以来干这个

The guys were canvassing the neighborhood while we were with the Imam.

我们跟伊玛目在一起的时候 他们一直在游说周围的人

As I said, they're canvassing the entire area.

我说过 他们已经开始搜查整片区域了

Rest of you canvass her friends, neighbors.

其他人细查她的朋友 邻居

We're canvassing the neighborhood for leads on a case.

我们在盘查附近 寻找一个案子的线索

We'll have officers canvassing the whole area.


Expect the flock to canvass for 'em.

想吸引人来 然后游说他们

We've got to canvass the whole building again.
