
音标/读音 ['grimnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 严格, 冷酷, 严峻

n the quality of being ghastly
n something hard to endure


1. Life was visually grim everything was grim.

那时物质极端贫乏 一切都是那么无望

2. But for the workforce, life was grim.

但对于那些工人而言 生活却很残酷

3. Forgive me, but they all seem so grim.

抱歉 但她们看上去都好阴沉

4. I say it lightheartedly, but it's been grim.

我虽说得轻松 但其实令人沮丧

5. I'm like the grim reaper, only blonder.

我就像是死神 只不过发色更浅一点

6. I didn't want you sitting at home being grim.


7. The grim fact is we don't think there are any more survivors.

但我们认为 已经没有其他生还者了

8. Forensics is still on it, but outlook is grim.

鉴证人员还在挽救 但估计没戏

9. No, what she was asking for is hope, not grim statistics.

不 她问的是希望 不是冷冰冰的数据

10. It's grim enough he's in my house with my mum.

他在我家 跟我妈在一起就够闹心了
