
音标/读音 ['mauθful]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 一口, 满口

n. the quantity that can be held in the mouth



I have to go to the ladies' room and wash whatever is on my mouth and in my mouth off my mouth and out of my mouth.

我要去厕所 把我嘴上的异味和嘴里的异物 通通弄干净

No, no, my eyes are in my mouth, my mouth.

不 我的双眼在嘴里 在嘴里

You don't have to cover my nose and my mouth with your mouth.

你不要用嘴 把我的鼻子和嘴巴都包住

Well, by Internet, by mouth to mouth.

通过网络啊 或者口口相传

I think he revived me, mouth to mouth.


And your mouth is too big for your mouth, obviously.

但很显然 你的嘴巴对你来说都大了

Well, a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's mouth, and dog mouths lick dog butts, so you tell me where my theory is wrong.

狗狗的嘴比人类的嘴干净 狗狗还互相舔* 所以你来说说看我的理论哪里不对

So, in your mouth you have spit, of course, and in your saliva, there is an enzyme called amylase that helps you digest starch in your mouth, start breaking down the starch in your mouth.

人的嘴里有唾液 这不用说 而唾液中 有一种酶叫做淀粉酶 能帮助人消化嘴里的淀粉 开始分解人嘴里的淀粉

You can't do mouthtomouth without putting mouth on mouth.

你不对嘴对嘴 怎么做人工呼吸呢

Doc had to do mouth to mouth to get you breathing again.
