
音标/读音 [ik'stiŋkt]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 熄灭的, 灭绝的, 耗尽的
[法] 消灭了的, 过时的, 无效的

a. no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives
a. (of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive
s. being out or having grown cold


1. It won't be over until they're extinct or we are.

直至有一方灭绝了 战争才会结束

2. They're extinct, which is where you're headed.

它们已经灭绝了 而你也在找死

3. You're a dinosaur, and you're about to be extinct.

你是恐龙 而且快灭绝了

4. We fly into the wormhole and we are extinct.

我们飞进虫洞 然后就消失了

5. because she doesn't want this thing to be extinct any more than you do.

因为她比你 更不希望这东西从此绝种

6. I'm saving his entire species from extinction.

我是在挽救整个种族 以免它们灭绝

7. Thought those things had been hunted to extinction.


8. I thought journali* was supposed to be extinct.


9. I thought they had gone extinct during the flood.


10. They deal with animals thought to be extinct.

