
音标/读音 [i'mækjulit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无污点的, 纯洁的, 无缺点的, 无辜的
[医] 无斑点, 无瑕疵的, 洁净的

s. completely neat and clean
s. free from stain or blemish



There was nothing immaculate about this conception.

你们这对的"结合" 跟纯洁差了十万八千里

Maybe it's because you have an immaculate record.


Well, if it's untraceable, my hands are immaculate.

如果不能被追蹤 我的手就還一塵不染

If you want to keep her immaculate, fine.

如果你想保持她的*身 没问题

Unlike your partner, you've got an immaculate record.

和你的搭档不一样 你有很完美的办案纪录

With an immaculate record and a high conviction rate.


Otherwise, it's going to look like an immaculate conception.

否则一旦你怀孕会显得像是圣灵感孕 他会怀疑的

My portrait of him as immaculate may have put a target on his back.

我对于他完美的描述 可能让他成为了目标

The cup of tea, the matron's parlour, that immaculate lawn.

杯里的茶 *长的客厅 完美的草坪

We filmed in the middle of a forest once and the toilet arrangements were immaculate.

有一次我们在森林里拍摄 连上厕所这种问题都完美安排好了