
speaking怎么读: 音标['spi:kiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ speaking是什么意思

n. 谈话, 演说
a. 讲话的, 适于说的, 讲某种语言的

n. the utterance of intelligible speech
a. capable of or involving speech or speaking


1. You speak... I thought you didn't speak.

你会说话 我以为你不会说话呢

2. Only I speak, which means you do not speak.

只有我能说话 你不能开口

3. And when you speak to to the count, you should speak of hunting.

你们跟伯爵说话时 应该谈论打猎

4. I wish to know to whom he speaks and of what he speaks.


5. No, you don't want to speak to me, you want to speak to him.

你不想跟我说话 而是想跟他说话

6. Words speak us more than we speak them.

言辞表达我们 胜于我们表达言辞

7. And I hear you speaking for them, but really speaking for yourself.

我也听到你好像在为他们说话 其实你也是在为自己说话

8. If she gets to speak, I get to speak too.

要是她能发言 那我也能

9. When he speaks, I feel like he's speaking only to me.

他每句話 我覺得都是在說給我聽

10. I speak to them differently than I would normally speak to you.

但我会用一种不同于现在的语气 来跟他们说话



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

