
音标/读音 [prai'veiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 缺乏, 穷困

n. a state of extreme poverty
n. act of depriving someone of food or money or rights



She had private rituals, private friends, private anxieties.

她有私密的仪式 私密的朋友 私密的焦虑

It's private? I didn't mean private.

隐私吗 我不是那个意思

It's in a private place, a very private place.

在一个隐秘之所 非常隐秘

This is a private conversation in a private room.


A private heartbreak should remain that private.

一个人的心碎悲伤 就应该让它保持这样

We have a private plot; it would be a private ceremony.

我们会私人承办 只是亲人参加的仪式

It would have to be a private matter a private understanding.

会像一个秘密一样 是一项秘密契约

You'll land on a private strip on private land.

你会进行私人旅游 在私人领地上

I'll put my privates up against your privates any old day.


But this is a private shoot, as in we're shooting someone's privates.

但这是私人棚拍 意思是专拍*