
音标/读音 ['kɑ:stәwei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 被抛弃的人, 坐船遇难者
a. 被抛弃的, 遭难的

n. a shipwrecked person


1. I'm a castaway and should be welcomed with gifts.

我是一个漂流者 你们应该盛情欢迎我

2. They think she was a castaway, didn't die in the crash.

人们说她当时逃到了岛上 并非死于坠机

3. It's like I'm a castaway on Ikea island.


4. I think she was feeling like a castaway out there.


5. I'd never sign up to be castaway on a desert island with that one.

我当时报名绝对不是为了 和那个人一起流落荒岛

6. Restoration Island became his refuge and he's learned to live here like a voluntary castaway.

归元岛成为了他的庇护所 他学会了像自我放逐者一样在此生活

7. For animal castaways, finding new land in this vast ocean was a chance in a million.

对于在海洋漂流的动物来说 在无垠海洋中找到新陆地的机会很渺茫

8. Marie might turn up the way castaways come ashore after some miraculous rescue.

玛丽可能还会出现 通过海滩的奇迹救援

9. This lizard was just one castaway which no longer had to rely on its stamina and luck to reach new lands.

这只壁虎不再光凭 毅力和运气才能抵达新的土地了

10. Further east, the odds of a castaway making land drop steeply as the islands become fewer and even more isolated.

再往东去 漂流者登陆的机会越发渺茫 因为这里的岛屿更少 且更加孤绝荒僻
