
音标/读音 ['elənə; -nɔ:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 埃莉诺(女子名)



Eleanor, I have a stomachache because of what you did.

埃莉诺 你的所为 让我胃疼

Eleanor, this is all happening because of you.

埃莉诺 这一切皆因你而起

Eleanor is not a beauty, but it's nice.

埃莉诺虽不是美女 但也算个正妹

Eleanor, we've got a surprise for you.

埃莉诺 我们为你准备了惊喜噢

Eleanor, I don't know if this is a good idea.

埃利诺 留着他恐怕不妥吧

Eleanor, I don't care if he leaves voluntarily.

埃莉诺 我不管他是不是自愿离开

Eleanor, you have a very important choice to make.

埃莉诺 现在你得做出人生重大决定了

Eleanor dedicated herself to the study of ethics.


Eleanor, our criminal is on this very short list.

埃莉诺 犯人就在这张短短的名单上

Eleanor found out I'm closeted and lorded it over me.

埃莉诺发现我隐瞒身份 就以此要挟我