
音标/读音 ['bridʒiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 桥梁;纽带(bridge的复数)

n. United States labor leader who organized the longshoremen (1901-1990)



We'll cross that bridge whenever that bridge becomes a bridge.

船到桥头自然直 等有了桥再说吧

I don't know what bridge you're talking about, but it's not the bridge I mean.

我不知道你说的是哪座桥 但绝不是我说的那座

And between the fire and the prisoners there is a bridge, and across the bridge, figures walk.

在火和囚徒之间 有一座桥 桥上 有人在穿行

Downriver from the house is a stone bridge where dippers breed and, below that to the west, a village and another bridge.

在房子的下游 有一座石桥 河乌在那里繁殖 在石桥的西部 又有一个村庄和另一座石桥

I've never seen a river running across the bridge and a massive river running under the bridge.

我从来没见过桥上是一条河 桥下还有一条汹涌的大河

Guys, as they say, when one chapter ends, a bridge appears, and then you cross that bridge and make lemonade out of a molehill.

各位 就像他说的 一章结束后 一座桥出现了 你走过那座桥 又是一番新天地

Once we're on that bridge, it's all over for all of us.

一旦我们上了桥 我们就都完了

I don't have a bridge, I'm not a dentist.

我没有桥[齿桥] 我不是牙医

We were both on the bridge when it crumbled.

「结界之桥」毁掉时 我们都在那里

The bridge that's in all the movies.
