
scoliosis怎么读: 音标[,skɔli'әusis]
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◎ scoliosis是什么意思

[医] 脊柱侧凸

n. an abnormal lateral curve to the vertebral column


1. Like, when you were younger, you had scoliosis.

比如 你小时候得了脊柱侧凸

2. He hit me on my back, got me scoliosis.

他打了我的后背 害我脊柱侧弯

3. Santa here was born with scoliosis and a hairy back.


4. It looks like scoliosis, a bend in the spine.

看起来像脊柱侧凸 脊柱有弯曲现象

5. I've already given you genes for hairy arms and scoliosis.


6. But then, of course, you developed scoliosis, so you've had over a dozen operations on your spine.

后来你又得了脊柱侧弯 所以你的脊柱做了十几次手术

7. That might sound really easy, but I have scoliosis, which is a curvature of the spine.

听起来也许很简单 但我有脊柱侧弯 就是说我的脊柱是弯的

8. okay, booth looking for a tapdancing beauty queen with scoliosis.

好吧 Booth寻找有脊柱侧弯的踢踏*王

9. The lump is gone, but my spina bifida left me with partial paralysis in my legs and scoliosis, or curvature of the spine.

肿块虽然被切除了 但脊柱裂 仍导致我的下肢瘫痪 脊柱侧弯 也就是脊柱弯曲畸形

10. Well, reading those cruel comments online reminded me of when you had your scoliosis brace in high school and the boys weren't asking you out and the mean girls were teasing you.

在网上看到那些无情的评论 让我想起你高中时戴着"后背矫形器" 男生们不邀你约会 那些刻薄女生取笑你
