
音标/读音 ['bukʃelf]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 书架

n. a shelf on which to keep books



A married man should have on his bookshelf.


Which is why I can't put books on my bookshelf.


Tina, clear some space on your bookshelf.

蒂娜 把你的书架腾点地方出来

And I folded the letter up, and I put it on the bookshelf.

我把信折好 放在书架上

And all your medical books would be stored on the bookshelf.

你所有的医科书籍 都要放在书架上

A bookshelf? I was gonna say a dishwasher.

书柜吗 我本来打算说洗碗机的

I can't hang around on this bookshelf all day.


But I need you to move that bookshelf up against the doors.

但是我需要你把这个书架 搬到门那里

When patrol searched the garage, they found this in the bookshelf.

当巡警搜查车库的时候 他们在书架上发现了这个

I built things in the afternoon a bookshelf, a desk.

下午的时候 我会做些东西 一个书架 一张桌子