
音标/读音 [in'veiʒәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 侵犯, 侵入, 侵害
[医] 侵袭, 侵入, 发病

n. the act of invading; the act of an army that invades for conquest or plunder
n. any entry into an area not previously occupied
n. (pathology) the spread of pathogenic microorganisms or malignant cells to new sites in the body


1. You hire protection for home invasions, and then, a week later, you have a home invasion in your neighborhood.

你雇了人保护你的房子不被非法闯入 一周后 你邻居就遭遇了非法闯入

2. Nothing to do with me! It's not an invasion.

这和我根本无关 反正不是外星人入侵

3. But they did and our invasion died with them.

但是他们死了 我们的扩张大业也随之破灭

4. It all... It all sounds very invasive, but it's not.

这些听起来都非常激进 但其实不然

5. That was an invasion of our privacy and we won't have it.

这是对我们隐私的侵犯 我们不允许这种事

6. But cannot, with an invasion fleet in your path.


7. Ben, that is an invasion of privacy.

本 你这侵犯了个人隐私

8. I apologize for the invasiveness of your debrief.

抱歉 我打扰了你的审讯

9. I was protecting myself from a home invasion.

我以为有人闯进来了 我是在自卫

10. What? I convinced him to postpone the invasion.

什么 我说服了他 延期出征
