
音标/读音 [naun]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 名词

n. a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action
n. the word class that can serve as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or in apposition


1. They can't be proper nouns and they can't be names of people or places.

不可以是专有名词 也不可是人名或地名

2. No, I was using a generic noun in an imperative clause.

不 我是在一个祈使句中使用一个代名词

3. We show cutoff and we copy the numbers on noun 62.


4. He implies possessive pronouns and uses vague noun modifiers.

他省略物主代词 使用含糊的名词修饰语

5. You can just tag the median period onto a masculine noun.


6. God, you can be so didacti* noun, intending to teach, with an emphasis on moral instruction.

你可真够说教的 名词 在句子中 起到道德教育强调作用

7. Now, usually, an infinitive acts like a noun, as in "I want to go out to eat", or "I hope to be chosen today".

通常一个不定式能起到名词的作用 比如 我想要出去吃东西 或者 我希望今天选中的是我
