
音标/读音 ['wi:ldәbi:st]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 羚羊的一种

n large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail



You sound like a wounded wildebeest in here.


An * wildebeest is a formidable opponent.


They showed a python swallowing a baby wildebeest.


The lions are surrounded by wildebeest on their annual migration.

狮子周围到处都是牛羚 它们正在年度迁徙途中

Now it's seen her, the wildebeest, with its sharp horns, has the advantage.

一旦被发现 头顶尖角的牛羚更占上风

Pretending these people don't stink like a pack of wildebeests.


The return of the wildebeest signals the end, at last, of the hard times.

最终 角马群的回归标志着艰难时期 终于结束

Charm uses her hind legs to knock the wildebeest offbalance.

沙尔姆用后腿蹬踹 使牛羚失去平衡

It was like watching a bunch of baby lions take down a wildebeest.

就像在看一群幼狮 拿下了一头牛羚

like tag it like a wild wildebeest, then you get $100,000.

就像抓瞪羚一样 那你就能拿到十万美金