
音标/读音 ['egәutist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 自我中心主义者

n. a conceited and self-centered person



Most are too egotistical to truly see themselves.

大多数都太过自负 无法真实地看清自己

That's an egotistical way of saying that you need me.


So, you're both wildly egotistical and scared of conflict.

所以你既对自己定位很高 又害怕冲突

You are still the same egotistical bastard that you have always been.

你一点没变 还是那个一直以来的自负*

You egotistical little son of a serial killer.


I'd say he's too selfish and egotistical, that he can't see clearly.

我会说他太自私 太自以为是 他看不清局势

That you are an impulsive, egotistical narcissist who masquerades as a nice guy.

你很冲动 很自我 但是又假装是好人

Lest anyone's selfesteem fall below the level of extremely egotistical.

以免有个别学生自尊心受损 变得过于自负

The egotistical and magical, infuriating, chari*atic, sweet, lovely... gerbil.

那个任性 神奇 令人恼火 充满魅力 亲切可爱的沙鼠

They accused you of hardline views, of being rightwing, of having sinned by doing too little, of being egotistical.

他们指责你是强硬派 是右翼分子 指责你因为做得太少和自负 而犯下罪过