
音标/读音 ['semitәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 墓地, 公墓
[法] 公墓, 墓地

n. a tract of land used for burials



Why a cemetery? It's always a cemetery.

怎么就走进了墓地 都是套路

I mean, remove one body from a cemetery, it's still a cemetery.

我是说 从墓地里抬出一具尸体 那里仍然是墓地

Then tell me what happened when you went to the cemetery where you said your wife and daughter were buried the cemetery you said you never went to.

那告诉我你去公墓的时候发生了什么 就那个你说埋葬着你妻子和女儿的公墓 那个你说你从没去过的公墓

But the cemetery down the street won't.


I was there at the cemetery that day.

葬礼那天 其实我在墓地

It's...possible there was an old cemetery under there.


We have to be to the cemetery before the urn gets there.


It's the oldest cemetery in the city.


First, all we had to do was come to the cemetery.

起先 我们只需要来这个墓地

...quite a scene here at the cemetery.
