
dishwashing怎么读: 音标['dɪʃwɒʃɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dishwashing是什么意思

n. 洗碗
v. 洗碗(diahwash的现在分词)

n. the act of washing dishes


1. Don't worry, it's not about the dishwasher.

别担心 跟洗碗机没关系

2. I put yours in the dishwasher and it it melted it.

我把你的放进了洗碗机里 结果变形了

3. This morning, both glasses were in the dishwasher.

今早 两个杯子都在洗碗机里

4. Lisa, where are your glasses? In the dishwasher.

丽萨 你杯子放哪了 在洗碗机里

5. You see this here? It's called a dishwasher.

看到这个了吗 它叫做洗碗机

6. Oh, no dishwasher at the last supper.

不对 应该是最后的晚餐里的洗碗工

7. She took a break with the new dishwasher.


8. Because we're going with the "hot dishwasher" angle.


9. You wouldn't put your plates straight into a dishwasher.


10. We don't have a dishwasher, but we do have this giant, oldfashioned sink.

我们没有洗碗机 但我们有一个很大的老式水池
