a. 法国的
1. GALLO, let's get this weight off of him.
加洛 把重量从他身上挪开
2. GALLO, be ready to rip and run on my mark.
加洛 听我口令 随时准备拽开门跑
3. GALLO, set up a perimeter and wait for my orders.
加洛 设好警戒线 等我指令
4. GALLO, check the back door, but don't go inside.
加洛 检查后门的情况 但别进去
5. I suspect that's less pulmonary fibrosis, more pico de GALLO.
我推测这不像是肺部纤维化 更像是碎番茄粒
6. GALLO's filing came back, and it needs to be filed by his attorney of record.
加洛的动议被退回来了 这个动议需要由其辩护律师本人提出
7. as a publicly traded telecom giant. ...homemade pico de GALLO.
巨头的位置 自制莎莎酱
8. GALLO, I stuck my neck out to get you into 51, when everyone else was telling me you're too impulsive.
加洛 我替你作担保才让你进51局 周围的人都告诉我你太冲动
9. GALLO, I'm not sure if anyone's told you, but you can't just yank a victim out like a ragdoll and collar them afterward.
加洛 我不知道有没有人告诉你 但是你不能把受困者像布娃娃一样拽出来 然后在事后给人家戴护颈