
音标/读音 ['frendli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 友好的, 亲切的, 互助的
adv. 友善地, 温和地

n. troops belonging to or allied with your own military forces
a. characteristic of or befitting a friend
s. inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile
a. easy to understand or use



Friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend, friend.

朋友 朋友 朋友 朋友 朋友 朋友 朋友

Like, you're my friend, and I'm your friend, and we are friends.

比如 你是我的朋友 我也是你的朋友 我们互相是朋友

Then another friend, then friends of friends.

之后藏在另一个朋友那里 之后是朋友的朋友

Why, he's a friend. I don't have any friends.

他是我朋友 我没有朋友

She is my only friend. I don't have friends.

我只有她这一个朋友 我没有朋友

I was friends with him before I was friends with you.


You had friends before we were friends.

在我们成为朋友前 你也有朋友啊

I'm your friend here, I'm being your friend here.

我是你的朋友 你可以信任我

They're your friends. I don't have any friends.

他们是你的朋友 我没有朋友

A friend of a friend copied it from his friend, free.

朋友的朋友从他朋友那儿拷贝的 免费