
音标/读音 [dæmp]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 潮湿, 湿气
a. 潮湿的
vt. 使潮湿, 使阻尼, 抑止
vi. 变潮湿, 衰减

n. a slight wetness
v. restrain or discourage
s. slightly wet



...which I'm telling myself was a damp toupee.


It seems damp enough out here as it is.


Yeah, from the damp in the soil by the reservoir.

是的 因为水库边泥土太湿润

Definitely very, very fresh, still very, very damp.

非常非常新鲜 还依然很潮湿

It's dark, it's damp and it's slightly depressed.

黑暗 沉闷 还带着一丝沮丧

It's damp to the touch, but I'm still not sure.

摸起来是湿的 但我还是不能确定

Of course they are! It's just the dampness drying.

当然了 湿气烘干就是这个味道

The room was too *all, too dark, too damp.

那房间太小 太暗 太潮湿

They are sitting in a damp puddle of their own guilt.


The damp in the basement, bad for me chest.

地下室太潮 对我的胸口不好