
音标/读音 [rai'nɒsәrәs]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 犀牛

n. massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout



I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros.


And then he turned one of them into a rhinoceros and the other one into a warthog.

其中一个人转变成了犀牛 另一个变成了疣猪

Caught in the rush, the rhinoceros beetle hasn't the energy to fly.

困在人潮中 独角仙没有起飞的力气

How his skin is thick and tough like the hide of a rhinoceros.

他的皮肤是多么坚硬厚实 就像犀牛的皮

I mean, everything short of having rhinoceros heads on the wall.


Gata's also the same guy that asked me yesterday if a rhinoceros is real.

盖塔昨天还问我 犀牛是不是真实的

A large, clumsy rhinoceros beetle might seem a tempting target.

一只巨大而笨重的独角仙 似乎是个诱人的目标

The left side's a golden stag, the right side is a rhinoceros beetle.

左侧是金鹿甲虫 右侧是犀牛甲虫

It's a loud, little bird that rides around on a rhinoceros's back picking off pests.

那是一种站在犀牛背上 捕食害虫的一种叫声响亮的 小鸟

A bamboo house plant provides a mantis with all she needs, but it's not enough for a rhinoceros beetle.

一株盆栽竹子满足了螳螂的所有需求 不过对于独角仙这还不够