
音标/读音 ['gudmәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 家长, 丈夫, 父亲

n. United States clarinetist who in 1934 formed a big band (including black as well as white musicians) and introduced a kind of jazz known as swing (1909-1986)



Goodman should be looking at the facts.


Goodman is an expert in religious iconography.


Goodman has ordered me to investigate the other extra body.


Goodman, this isn't easy, but I do feel an apology is in order.

古德曼 虽然有些难以启齿 但我觉得应该道个歉

Goodman, a 752 is a possible alien abduction.

古德曼 752有可能是外星人绑架案

While you were away, goodman decided that there should be a head of forensics at the jeffersonian.

你不在的时候 Goodman决定 Jeffersonian还是需要一个法医部门的负责人

Goodman caused me to crash my cruiser, and now we're stuck.

古德曼让我出了车祸 现在我们被困住了